Memorial Cemetery

Laredo, Texas



She walks up to the gravesite carrying a blanket, to glasses and a bottle of whiskey. The Cowgirl is none other than Rachel Tatum Lee. Wearing jeans, a black halter top, Black Stetson and matching cowgirl boots. Her long sand blonde hair hangs down and nails polished silver. The beautiful Rachel stops for a second and looks at the gravestone which reads…


William “Wild Bill” Lane

Loving Father, Husband and Texan



Rachel had not visited his grave site since the day they buried him when she was in the UWA. The pancreatic cancer came quick and before they knew it, he was gone. A somber Rachel lays out her blanket she pours two glasses of whiskey and puts one in front of the gravestone, then hangs her hat on the cross that rests on top. She sits down lotus style and takes a deep breath, enjoying the warm sun of Texas…


RachelTatumLeeCastPic-1“Hey Bill, long time no talk. I guess I was afraid ta come and see ya. I still can’t believe that yer gone, I’m always turning around, waitin’ fer one of yer Texas sayin’s and it never happens. The reality of ya not being here ta cheer me on has started ta settle in. Ya remember back in 2012 when ya convinced me ta get in the ring again? I was a fuckin’ drunk, couldn’t ever get my shit right. There isn’t a day that doesn’t pass by when I think of ya Bill and the good times we had. I left the business after UWA went under. I guess they are makin’ a comeback somehow but I ain’t interested. Instead, I started workin’ as a waitress, Jesus, Bill I was servin’ fuckin’ BBQ in California. Thing is sugar, they tip pretty well, I was makin’ an honest livin’. Life has a way of teachin’ ya things. My third marriage failed, don’t worry, I ain;t ever gettin’ married again….

I did fall head over heels fer that bastard though.

My fault fer fallin’ hard. Bill, I had that itch, I wanted ta get back ta the SCW, there was no way my legacy there would end at RTG XII laid out on the mat with Daisy unconscious while Rachel Foxx walked out after I practically carried our fuckin’ team fer the prior few years. I needed ta come back Bill, I wanna be a World Champion in SCW, there is nothin’ less than that movin’ forward.”


She sighs, shamefully, staring at the glass of whiskey…


“I started drinkin’ again, it helps me sleep, I ain’t got ta worry about the bad thoughts anymore…. At least temporarily. So, Brittany and Regan, they came and put a good word fer me with Sasha D, yeah, she’s now in charge, Mr. D’s oldest daughter. They signed me ta a contract and I came guns a blazin’ Bill, right into Taking Hold of the flame and I wrassled over seventy minutes and made it ta the final 2. I proved ta myself that after an 18-month layoff, I could still go toe to toe with the rest of them. I’m back Bill but I’m missin’ somethin’….

Ya my friend.”


Her eyes start to tear up, Rachel lowers her head as one drop falls into her glass of whiskey….











Rachel Tatum Lee never dreamed that her performance at Taking Hold of the Flame would be almost record breaking. The beautiful Texan had been out of wrestling for over eighteen months, or her to step into the ring and have a performance like that was a testament to her conditioning and most of all drive to prove that she could step back into the ring and take on some of the best. It opened many eyes that were looking at Rachel and wondering if she was still the Violent Kind of old, four years removed, she quickly silenced the critics and found herself in a position where a few more matches like that and she could be in a line for a title shot. The dangerous Texan though wasn’t going to stop there, she then found herself accepting the challenge of one of her best friends and a woman who on many occasions saved Rachel from herself, Brittany Lohan at RTG XVI.

An Underground Rules match.

Rachel happily accepted, it was Brittany’s final match and she wanted an opponent who could send her off, it was none other than Rachel Tatum Lee. It was everything advertised, Rachel and Brittany tore the house down in one of the most brutal and sadistic matches ever seen on SCW programming. Rachel and Brittany held back nothing in their fight and Rachel was able to send her friend away, making her the War Machine one last time.

After it was over though, the reality had set in, that her best friend was no longer in the business. While Brittany periodically stayed with Rachel at the Santa Monica beach house, she rents from Regan Street, Rachel had to take some time off which luckily was a month to heal her wounds of battle. Rachel had cuts, bruises, open wounds, her face was grated, holes everywhere, she could barely walk for a week.

Was it worth it to the woman they call “The Violent Kind”

Damn right it was.



Dallas Texas


Everyone was partying, they were out celebrating a win. Rachel and Brittany both were taken to the local hospital where they were being checked on. For Rachel and Brittany, it was the same song and dance they were accustomed to. Rachel was bandaged up, given some pain pills and released. Brittany as well though hers took a little longer as the two ladies were ready for another round.

Rachel waited for Brittany to be released, she sat in the lobby wearing jean shorts, cowgirl boots and an RTG XVI t-shirt. Her long hair hung down over her shoulder and nails polished a dark red. After a moment, Brittany walked out in jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers….



Rachel: “Ya look like shit.”

Brittany: “Like you look any better, Cowgirl. I will though take that as a compliment. ”

Rachel: “Think we can still make the after parties? I mean hell, we are all dressed up fer them, right?”


Brittany started to laugh, holding her gut in pain, Rachel too laughed but her jaw and body over all were in pain. Rachel started to get up, it was a task in itself, she walked over to Brittany and extended her hand. For a second Brittany nodded and shook her hand back. The two women finally hugged though they almost knocked each other down….


Rachel: “Maybe we should refrain from touchin’ each other, it could be fuckin; hazardous to our health. Ya got any plans tonight?”

RachelCastPic-BrittanyBrittany: “Yeah, lie in bed.”

Rachel: “No shit, right. I feel like we should go out, it’s Dallas, my hometown sugar, we can go line dancin’ or maybe ride the mechanical bull.”

 Brittany: “You are fuckin’ crazy.”

Rachel: “Seriously, come back with me. My hotel room, I wanna make sure yer alright. Ya deserve it after tonight. We had a hell of a match and it would be a shame if ya didn’t at least have a drink with me.”


Brittany nodded and smiled….


Brittany: “Okay cowgirl, I’m at your disposal.”

Rachel: “Good, now the question is, who’s gonna drive, ya done fucked up my leg.”

Brittany: “I did, didn’t I? Uber?”

Rachel: “Uber.”


Brittany took a few minutes to take out her phone and call Uber. Rachel walked over to the window, looking out at the parking lot, her eyes shifted and saw Brittany busy talking to the driver, Rachel took out her phone and quickly sent a text, then put it back in her pocket.

They waited for the Uber Driver to arrive, they both hobbled into the car, it was a good twenty-minute drive back to the hotel. Rachel Leaned back and turned to face Brittany….


Rachel: “I was proud of ya out here. Ya fuckin’ brought it like I knew that ya would. Ya made Lohan a household name in wrasslin’. Everyone knew that ya were goin; ta be the War Machine, especially me. Ya doubted yerself and even though ya didn’t get yer hand raised in victory, ya won.”

Brittany: “You won Cowgirl but what you did do was bring out the War Machine in me and that much I appreciate. I wish that the sun wasn’t going to set on our feud, that definitely is the match I will never forget.”

Rachel: “It was kinda payback, ya were the first person ta ever pin me in the SCW. I just waited a long fuckin; time ta do it in an SCW ring again, at least one on one. Britt, let me ask ya somethin’ now that it is over, any regrets sugar?”

Brittany sat silent for a second, Rachel continued to look at her best friend and wondered if she could even answer the question. After a few seconds she finally responded…..


Brittany: “Some, I think when we all retire, we have some regrets, maybe there was something you wanted to accomplish, a title or person that you wanted to beat. I think about it often, not now though. Tonight, was perfect. We fought our asses off, we did our best to bring down the house, there wasn’t a damn thing anyone was going to prevent it, stop us from having the match of our career. I am glad the SXW gave us RTG as a platform.”

Rachel: “We stole the show.”

Brittany: “Yeah we did, what about you? Any regrets?”


Rachel: “I’ll let ya know when I retire. I guess the only one right now really is that we never got a tag team run you and me. I wanted ta win them tag titles with ya especially after Rachel dicked me over at RTG. If anythin’, before I retire, I’m gonna beat the ever livin’ shit outta that woman, trust me on that. Brittany, serious talk.”

Brittany: “What is it?”

Rachel: “I owe ya everythin’, ya and Regan. I swear if ya weren’t around always lookin’ out fer me and carin’, I would have never gotten the chance ta compete in THoTF and last over 70 minutes, be the last eliminated and then compete against ya in my hometown. This is what dreams are made of Britt. I was livin’ in a simple world, ready ta walk away from wrasslin’ with more regrets than you can imagine. Thins is sugar, I didn’t know where my days were gonna take me, I didn’t know if I would ever be able ta live that lifestyle again. I was content on In N’ Out Burgers and Chick Fil A. I think I had given up, I don’t know if that was intentional or not, Josh broke my heart, UWA broke my spirit, all I had left was my soul and it told me ta find honest work and create a new life fer yerself.  Am tryin’ ta do that Britt, I am tryin’ ta get past my hurt, I am tryin’ ta see the positive and weed out the negative. There are a lot of factors in my life missin’. Ya ain’t one of them. What ya did was took me out of the fuckin’ gutter. I was never gonna return. Ya breathed life back inta these lungs. Ya gave me that chance and fer that I owe you more than I can give.”


Brittany shook her head, Rachel was starting to get a little teary eye, her bandaged face, covered her cheek, Brittany wiped the tears from the cowgirl’s eyes….


Brittany: “No you don’t. You are my best friend and we have been down that road so many times over. I couldn’t bare seeing you working out at Ante Up, then going to a job as a waitress, you are fucking Rachel Tatum Lee, the Violent Kind and one of the best wrestlers on the planet. One of the most dangerous women I know.”

Rachel: “Jesus, Britt. I was drunk and passed out on the fuckin;’ floor layin’ around pictures pf Josh and I. Ya had ta shower me as I done puked all over myself. Then I passed out again….”

Brittany: “You need to control; your drinking Cowgirl.”

Rachel: “It ain’t that easy when it eases the painful memories and makes me forget at least temporarily. I don’t know., maybe I am fuckin’ stupid. I can’t get anythin’ right these days, had it not been fer ya. I wouldn’t be here. This was my home fer a long-time sugar. I wrassled in front of my kin. I made my return ta RTG and didn’t have the last two floatin’ over my head. I owe ya Britt and I wanna gove ya the one thing I have never been able ta give ya.”

Brittany: “What is that. Rachel?”

Rachel brushes her hair back and leans into Brittany who is stooped, trying to figure out what the Cowgirl was doing but then before she realized, Rachel gently kissed Brittany on the lips. Her eyes widened, she never in a million years thought Rachel would ever passionately kiss her. Before Brittany knew it, their tongues met. Rachel slowly pulled back and turned away, looking out at the road as the care is about to enter the hotel parking lot…


Brittany: “What was that?”

Rachel: “The only thing I can give ya.”

Brittany: “A kiss?”


The care stops, the Uber driver opens the door for Rachel who goes to step out….


Rachel: “My love.”

Brittany: “Rachel… wait….”


She doesn’t say another word and steps out. Brittany is sitting there confused and dumbfounded. Stepping out as well. Brittany tries to talk to Rachel who lowers her head as they stand in the elevator going up to her room….


Brittany: “Are we going to talk about this?”

Rachel: “Ain’t nothing ta talk about, sugar.”

Brittany: “So, what happened down there was bullshit?”

Rachel: “No Britt, I was thankin’ ya, what more do ya want me ta say?”

Brittany: “So that is it?”


Rachel says nothing and steps out of the elevator, she heads to the room and opens the door, stepping aside for Brittany who limps in, Rachel turns on the lights and ……




 Brittany is startled, all her friends and family are there in Rachel’s room ready to party with the two-walking wounded. Rachel closes the door and leans back against it, folding her arms after wincing and smiling at Brittany who disappears into the sea of people….

It was her way of thanking the woman that made it all possible, a kiss and then a small party to celebrate her career.



A Few Weeks Later

Santa Monica, CA.


As the wounds kept healing, Rachel was able to get up under her own power. It was a beautiful California morning, Rachel slowly crawled out of bed wearing a tank top and panties. Another couple of empty glasses of whiskey sat on her nightstand, seems like she drank herself unconscious again. Rachel didn’t care, she wasn’t hurting anyone. Walking into the bathroom, she stared at herself in the mirror, trying to fluff her long hair that was matted everywhere. After brushing her teeth, doing her business and getting freshened up, Rachel put on some small shorts, she slipped socks on her feet with the silver polished nails, sneakers and a tank top, tying her hair back into a ponytail and heading out to the back and taking a jog. It was Rachel’s routine, get some exercise in before doing her daily tasks. While SCW was on hiatus, Rachel knew that Dustin, the owner of Dustin’s BBQ was in a bit of a bind, Santa Monica was in peak season with tourism and he was always looking for help. She would pick up a couple of shifts while on break and healing but once SCW started again, she would have to commit solely to that.  Jogging this morning, Rachel’s ponytail swayed back and forth, she was close to the water of the beach, her thick tanned muscular legs and large buttocks wowed the passer-bye’s who watched her every morning….


Man Fishing: “Morning Rachel!”

Rachel: “Mornin’ Jimmy!”


She continued to run all the way to the Pier. Seeing several locals that she always stops and talks to. There was Betty, the Donut Shop store owner and bakery. Rachel stopped to catch her breath some. A sweaty cowgirl smiled at Betty who came out with a bag….


Betty: “Just how you like them, fresh out the over, one Bacon Chocolate and one Boston Cream.”

Rachel: “Betty, yer too kind sugar, seriously ya don’t have ta do it, I can pay fer it.”

Betty: “Stop, you give my son joy watching you on TV and you have been wonderful with my family at Dustin’s. It is the least we can do to thank you for being a part of our very happy community. I am so excited that you are here with us and it’s just a couple of donuts.”

Rachel: “Tell ya what, next time that SCW is in town, I’ll get ya’ll tickets, how does that sound?”

Betty: “That would be wonderful, thank you so much!”

Rachel: “Anytime and thanks fer the donuts, Betty.”


As Betty waves, Rachel heads back to the house, she smiles and greets a few more locals before walking inside. She takes off her sneakers and socks, rubbing her feet with the polished silver toenails. She makes her way toward the living room and stops to see a woman with purple hair, jeans, open toed heels and a purple halter top with her nails polished lavender….


Rachel: “Daisy?”


Her younger sister, Daisy Lee formerly known as The Red Rayne in SCW stands up and smiles, Rachel runs over and hugs her…..


Rachel: What are ya doin’ here sugar?”

RachelCastPic-Daisy2Daisy: “I came ta see you. Been awhile Rachel. I was so excited when you went back ta the SCW. I am so glad they let you in and what you did at Taking Hold of the Flame and RTG was simply amazing. I wanted ta come see you sooner, I just couldn’t get out. I heard somethings though and I wanna know if they are true?”

Rachel: “What’s that? Ya wanna a drink?”

Daisy: “No, I’m fine.”


Rachel dries herself with a towel, reaching into the refrigerator and grabbing a bottle of water. She takes a few sips and then walks back into the living room. The taller and muscular Daisy sighs and folds in her arms, pacing the room…


RachelTatumLeeCastPic-2Rachel: “What’s going on?”

 Daisy: “Ya tell me sister. I heard that ya were working at some BBQ restaurant?”

Rachel: “Gotta make ends meet. I still do it part time during the break or pickin; up some shifts, why?”

Daisy: “Seriously? You are Rachel Tatum Lee, one of the baddest women on all the planet. I get it that times are tough and we have ta make ends meet but come on Rachel, what the hell are ya doing here?”

Rachel: “Daisy. It’s a fuckin’ restaurant, I make good money, sugar. I only work there now when they need me, I am on the SCW roster, so I am on call, they were there for me when I needed a job. What the fuck, girl?”

Daisy: “Your job was in wresslin’!”

Rachel: “Daisy, did ya see them knockin’ on our doors? After UWA went under, we were practically blackballed, hell after Josh and I split, I had no fuckin; desire ta even come back ta wrasslin’. I like it here now, I am actually buildin’ a friendship and bond in the community. This is my home now. I never thought it would be, but I belong.”


Daisy looked a little frustrated, she wanted nothing more than for her sister to understand that she was dumbing herself down and she is beyond that. Now that she is wrestling again, she needs to concentrate on exactly that. Daisy was there to plea with her sister. She continued to stand there, Rachel finally stood up and let her hair down…


Daisy: “Ya smell like sweat.”

Rachel: “Daisy, I just ran on the beach. Look, I know ya mean well, I have a life here that I like, I enjoy. I am finally starting to get some semblance of order here. I hit rock bottom and lately all I have been tryin’ ta do is find answers to questions I don’t know if I am ready ta answer. I didn’t even know that ya were in town.”

Daisy: “I came ta see ya, and ask if ya go back to New York.”

Rachel: “No way, too many memories.”

Daisy: “Make new ones.”

Rachel: “Daisy, I am not going back ta New York, I can’t, alright? I can’t do it. I won’t.”

Daisy: “Ya rather stay here and sling dishes than live with yer sister? Yer an SCW superstar! Yer the only woman that can call herself the Violent Kind!  Listen ta me, this is a place ya rent? We will get ya a house. Anything….”


Rachel shook her head, she didn’t want to be rude to her sister, but had no choice in the matter. She wasn’t going anywhere, instead he grabbed the bag od donuts and extended them to Daisy….


Rachel: “The answer is no, Daisy but here, have a donut with me, there is Bacon Chocolate and Boston Cr,,,,:


Before Rachel can finish her sentence, Daisy slaps the donut bag from her hand. Rachel looks on wide-eyed, bot believing that her sister would have the audacity to do such a thing….


Rachel: “Daisy?”

Daisy: “Ya know damn well that Bill would want us together.”

Rachel: “Daisy… don;t bring Bill inta this.”


Her younger sister, shaking her head, puts her sunglasses back on and storms out the front door. Rachel stands there for a moment before walking over, grabbing the bag od donuts, she takes one out and sighs before taking a bite….


Rachel: “Damn good.”


She continues to chew on the donuts wondering what the hell was that all about….







Memorial Cemetery

Laredo, Texas



Rachel starts to dry out her tears, knowing that everything she has done up until now has come with a price. She lost her marriage, she has a drinking problem that resurfaced, she keeps everything inside and doesn’t allow anyone in. Rachel looks up at the gravestone of Wild Bill…


RachelTatumLeeCastPic-1“I fought Brittany at Rise ta Greatness, ya would have been so proud of us Bill, we took it ta one another, we wrassled like there was no tomorrow. We bled, cut, bruised, peppered ourselves with tacks, even barbwire Bill, it was like them ol’ Underground matches, like the days I defended the title. It was fuckin’ beautiful sugar….

I beat her.

She brought everythin’ and I beat her Bill. That night I knew I still had it and now I face a young guy that is a fuckin’ daredevil and put his body on the line fer everythin’. He’s a disrespectful sumbitch, but this kid can go. Its my chance to continue provin’ ta them that I am ready fer a challenge, hell I even knocked on the door of Bree Lancaster and let her know I’m waitin’. I have done my best ta get back on track and sometimes it seems like I can’t. One of the girls at the restaurant I was workin’ at calls me a functionin;’ drunk. I can put down so much alcohol and yet after I’m done, I can still work a full day, drive a car and go about my business like nothin’ happened. I know that ain’t nothin’ ta be proud of Bill but shit….

I am tryin’.

I need ya Bill, ya left me too fuckin’ early ya selfish ol’ bastard. I thought I could do it on my own, I did and maybe I can, but ya were the best of me, Bill, ya were the one that kept me off the tracks. It’s only gonna get harder from here, the competition, the challengers, maybe I am walkin’ inta a situation I can’t handle. Maybe I just need ta start believin’ in myself, see that I can hang with the new school and still give it my all cause the World Championship is where this all ends. Ya know, I got arrested fer fightin’ in a bar, I was stupid. I hit rock bottom after my marriage to Josh Hudson fell apart….

Had it not been fer Regan and Brittany, I don’t know where I would be. That is why Bill, I came ta se ya, before I head out ta Washington DC and Baltimore. I didn’t want ya ta think that I had forgotten about ya. I wasn;t ready ta face ya, embarrassed at what I had become when yer not around.”


She kisses her finger tis and plants them on the tombstone…


“I love ya Bill, I miss ya. Here’s a drink fer ol’ time sake, I got ya that brown piss ya liked. Watch over me, please Bill…. Watch over me….


Just as she says that some breezy winds get a little harder blowing the hat off the cross. Rachel’s eyes tear up and she nods, smiling, it could have been coincidental or maybe it was the sign she needed to see that made her feel complete….

Knowing Wild Bill will ALWAYS be in her corner.








The Scene Opens….


Fort McHenry is a historical American coastal pentagonal bastion fort located in the Locust Point neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland. It is best known for its role in the War of 1812, when it successfully defended Baltimore Harbor from an attack by the British navy from the Chesapeake Bay on September 13–14, 1814. It was first built in 1798 and was used continuously by the U.S. armed forces through World War I and by the Coast Guard in World War II. It was designated a national park in 1925, and in 1939 was predesignated a “United states National Monument and Historic Shrine”.

During the War of 1812 an American storm flag, 17 by 25 feet was flown over Fort McHenry during the bombardment. It was replaced early on the morning of September 14, 1814 with a larger American Garrison Flag, 30 by 42 feet. The larger flag signaled American victory over the British in the Battle of Baltimore. The sight of the ensign inspired Francis Scott key to write the poem “Defense of Fort McHenry that was later set to the tune “To Anacreon from Heaven” and became known as “Star Spangled Banner”, the National Anthem of the United States.

The fort has become a center of recreation for the Baltimore locals as well as a prominent tourist destination. Thousands of visitors come each year to see the “Birthplace of the Star-Spangled Banner.” It’s easily accessible by Water Taxi from the popular Baltimore Inner Harbor. However, to prevent abuse of the parking lots at the Fort, the National Park services does not permit passengers to take the water taxi back to the Inner Harbor unless they have previously used it to arrive at the monument. Here is where we find the sexy Cowgirl and the woman they call “The Violent Kind” Rachel Tatum Lee. She has a great return at Taking Hold of the Flame where she lasted to the final two where ultimately Alistaire Allocco won and went on to Main Event RTG XVI and become the World Champion. Rachel could have in one match headlined the biggest show of them all but came up just a little short. She went on to face Brittany Lohan, her best friend in one of the most brutal matches we have ever seen to date. After coming out victorious though if you ask either one of them, they both were winners. Rachel then made sure that Bree Lancaster was paying attention to her, it was a nudge and though many stated that Rachel would need to earn her shot at a United States Championship, others are saying that just on her performances at THoTF and RTG XVI, she has earned that, look at Asher Hayes.

Rachel can wait.

Wearing jeans, a leather black halter top and matching black rhinestone cowgirl boots, her hair in a long ponytail and nails polished a dark red, the gorgeous and very dangerous cowgirl stands in the middle of Fort McHenry as the camera begins to record….




Rachel looks around, thumbs resting in her pocket before looking up to address her next challenges, the young and exciting, Max Kane. She speaks in her Texas draw…


RachelTatumLeeCastPic-RTL “A lot of people are sayin’ that ol’ Rachel Tatum Lee gotta earn her keep in the SCW. I can agree with that ta some extent, I mean we ain’t givin’ out title matches, right Asher Hayes? Look, honestly, I don’t care if I have ta climb the ladder all the way Ta the friggin’ top. If they want me ta fight from the bottom up then so be it but let’s get one thing perfectly clear, I am gonna get a shot at the World Championship. I am gonna get a shot at the United States Championship and any other title that I set my sights on. I came back ta wraslin’ ta finish what I started, there was no way that I was gonna let the way things ended be my legacy here. I was the greatest Underground Champion of all time. Do ya know what it takes ta hold a title like that fer over a year? How much a beatin’ I took, what I had ta do ta simply survive that division? I didn’t think I had it in me ta come back ta the SCW and be successful just wrasslin’, fer years I thought I was a garbage wrassler, only good fer the Underground and then while in the UWA I had to reinvent myself. It took time, effort, patience and knowledge. I wanted ta evolve, ta change with times because Underground Wrasslin’ was a dying sport. When I walked into Taking hold of the Flame, last over 70 minutes, was the last person ta be eliminated within seconds of winnin; and imagine, my first match back to the SCW in four years and I am Main Eventing Rise Ta Greatness?

It wasn’t meant ta be but what I showed was that I was in the best shape of my life, I came out and wrestled against the best and outlasted them all but one yet people like Bree Lancaster states I have ta earn my title shot? So what did I do next? I walked inta my hometown of Dallas, Texas and wrestled the most brutal match I have ever been a part of. Brittany Lohan not only came out the War Machine, she earned the respect and adulation of every superstar that stands in the locker room she didn’t need ta win that night, we both left bloody, mangled like a fuckin; massacre, just how we like it. We both won that night and now that she is gone?

The next step fer me is the climb and it all starts with ya, Max Kane.

Boy, yer disrespectful little sumbitch, aren’t ya? That lil’ horse crack, thinkin’ that yer daredevil tactics are gonna be enough ta beat the Violent Kind? No, se Max Kane, people like ya are all or nothin’, ya live and die by the sword, what if I told ya that I am that fuckin’ sword? Max, yer style is brave but at the same time how much success has it brought ya, son? Fer ya right now this is a chance ta make a statement and beat a woman that broke records and has come back ta stake her claim. Now truthfully, I don’t think that ya understand the severity of the situation. This ain’t gonna be some wrasslin’ match, it’s gonna be a fight. I welcome all the crazy shit ya do, know why?

I do crazier shit.

I may not fly in the sky or go crashing down on a stack of chairs, nah boy, I’m the one that throws ya up in the sky, I’m the one that dumps ya on a stack of chairs. Don’t ya get it, ya might be the Suicide Kind but I am the Violent Kind. I am a woman that has a lot ta prove here in the SCW and what better way then ta start with ya? After Taking Hold of the Flame and Rise Ta Greatness, I want my fights and if people are gonna start duckin’ them? Then I am gonna walk up ta each and every single one of them, and punch em’ in the mouth. Max, yer either a brave soul or one dumb sumbitch. I would think yer probably a mix of both. Ya got talent kid, their ain’t no question about that all, ya can beat anyone at any time but that shit ain’t workin’ with me. I am focused, I know what I gotta do come Apocalypse, a PPV that has actually been good ta me at times and now as I return and the landscape of the SCW has changed, I will go in each and every week, showing the World that Rachel Tatum Lee is better now then she has ever been. Max Kane, I want ya ta know that what I do ta ya boy, it ain’t personal….

Yer just goin’ ta be another chapter in my legacy….

Cause it ain’t you high risks that are gonna do ya in….

It’s me leavin’ ya Dead In Tombstone.”


Rachel cracks a smile, she then slowly backs up and looks around, closing her eyes for a second and soaking up the rays f the sun before opening her eyes again and winking….
















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